On completion the First Year Books, the student should be able to:
- Name the basic elements of Islam and pronounce the Shahaadah (testimony of faith) correctly.
- Identify some of the creations of Allah.
- Pronounce the words “Rabbiy – Allah” (my Lord is Allah) “Deeni Al-Islam” (my religion is Islam) “Nabiyyee Muhammad” (my Prophet is Muhammad)
- Memorize Quran from Soorah Al-Teen to Soorah Al-Humazah correctly.
- Demonstrate proper care for a personal copy of the Glorious Quran, and learn to respect and revere it.
- Demonstrate some knowledge of the life of the Prophet (pbuh).
- Display attentiveness to cleanliness and hygiene in personal attire.
- Define istinjaa and istijmaar.
- Identify the five obligatory prayers.
- Recite the day and night words of dhikr.
- Treat his/her parents kindly.
- Demonstrate respect for private property.
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